/BCO-DMO/Lionfish_Invasion/grouper_goby_lab_expt ---- Level 1

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# Grouper-goby lab experiments
# (From sub-project "Lionfish Cleaner lab expt 2011")
# Lead PI: Mark HLillian J. Tuttle (ect Lead: Lillian J. Tuttle (OSU)
# Version: 30 April 2013
# Note: 'nd' in 'time_to_pred' and 'time_to_strike' columns = not applicabspecies codes, se the
# <a cies codes, se the
# list.
site                 lat         lon          
Lee_Stocking_Island  23.773461   -76.105208   
fish_id  len_tot  goby1_species_code  goby1_len_tot  date        goby1_eaten  num_strikes_goby1  time_to_pred_goby1  time_to_strike1_goby1  time_to_strike2_goby1  goby2_species_code  goby2_len_tot  goby2_eaten  num_strikes_goby2  time_to_pred_goby2  time_to_strike1_goby2  time_to_strike2_goby2  time_to_strike3_goby2  notes  
CEFU1    14.6     COGL                2.7            07/01/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                2.1            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU2    10.5     ELGE                1.5            07/02/2011  no           nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          COGL                2.0            yes          nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          nd; see notes          video malfunction -- no video for both trials; ELGE was present at end of trial but COGL was not  
CEFU3    12.7     ELGE                1.9            07/10/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.9            yes          1                  01:13               01:13                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU4    12.7     ELGE                1.7            07/10/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.5            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU5    11.4     COGL                2.6            07/10/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                1.9            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU6    13.2     COGL                2.7            07/10/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                2.2            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU7    4.1      COGL                1.5            07/11/2011  yes          1                  05:24               05:24                  nd                     ELGE                1.9            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU8    11.1     COGL                2.7            07/11/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                2.7            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU9    12.0     COGL                2.6            07/11/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                2.5            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU10   13.3     COGL                3.0            07/11/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                2.6            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU11   13.0     ELGE                2.3            07/11/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                3.3            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU12   14.0     ELGE                2.1            07/11/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                1.6            yes          2                  01:57               01:51                  01:57                  nd                     nd     
CEFU13   13.2     ELGE                2.5            07/13/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.8            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     Cleans and lays on body surface of CEFU from 2:34-20:00  
CEFU14   ?        COGL                2.5            07/13/2011  no           1                  nd                  00:59                  nd                     ELGE                2.5            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU15   8.0      ELGE                1.6            07/20/2011  no           1                  nd                  02:40                  nd                     COGL                2.1            yes          2                  00:26               00:07                  00:26                  nd                     nd     
CECR1    11.0     ELGE                2.1            07/01/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.7            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR2    7.6      COGL                2.7            07/01/2011  yes          1                  06:31               06:31                  nd                     ELGE                1.6            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR3    8.9      COGL                2.9            07/01/2011  yes          1                  01:52               01:52                  nd                     ELGE                1.6            yes          1                  04:43               04:43                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR4    7.9      ELGE                1.6            07/01/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                1.7            no           nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          nd; see notes          video malfunction -- no video for trial 2; COGL was present at end of trial  
CECR5    9.1      ELGE                2.3            07/01/2011  yes          2                  00:06               00:02                  00:06                  COGL                2.4            yes          nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          nd; see notes          video malfunction -- no video for trial 2; COGL was absent from tank at end of trial  
CECR6    7.0      ELGE                1.6            07/02/2011  yes          nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          COGL                2.1            yes          nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          nd; see notes          video malfunction -- no video for both trials; ELGE was absent at end of trial as was COGL  
CECR7    7.9      COGL                1.8            07/02/2011  yes          nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          ELGE                1.3            no           nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          nd; see notes          video malfunction -- no video for both trials; COGL was absent at end of trial; ELGE was present  
CECR8    9.2      COGL                2.9            07/02/2011  yes          nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          ELGE                2.4            no           nd; see notes      nd; see notes       nd; see notes          nd; see notes          nd; see notes          video malfunction -- no video for both trials; COGL was absent at end of trial; ELGE was present  
CECR9    9.4      ELGE                1.4            07/10/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.6            yes          1                  04:38               04:38                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR10   7.4      ELGE                1.1            07/10/2011  yes          1                  03:24               03:24                  nd                     COGL                2.2            yes          1                  00:02               00:02                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR11   9.2      COGL                2.1            07/13/2011  no           1                  nd                  02:09                  nd                     ELGE                2.4            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR12   8.8      COGL                2.5            07/13/2011  yes          1                  10:55               10:55                  nd                     ELGE                2.4            yes          1                  00:03               00:03                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR13   8.4      ELGE                1.7            07/13/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.2            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR14   10.1     COGL                2.0            07/13/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                1.8            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR15   11.5     ELGE                1.4            07/20/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.0            yes          3                  05:12               05:10                  05:11                  05:12                  Cleans and lays on body surface of CEFU from 0:04-7:27  
site                 lat         lon          
Little_Cayman        19.695480   -80.060910   
fish_id  len_tot  goby1_species_code  goby1_len_tot  date        goby1_eaten  num_strikes_goby1  time_to_pred_goby1  time_to_strike1_goby1  time_to_strike2_goby1  goby2_species_code  goby2_len_tot  goby2_eaten  num_strikes_goby2  time_to_pred_goby2  time_to_strike1_goby2  time_to_strike2_goby2  time_to_strike3_goby2  notes  
CEFU16   19.4     COGL                3.0            08/10/2011  yes          1                  01:32               01:32                  nd                     ELGE                2.6            no           n/a                nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU17   17.2     ELGE                2.0            08/10/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.2            no           n/a                nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU18   9.3      COGL                3.3            08/12/2011  yes          1                  02:39               02:39                  nd                     ELGE                2.7            yes          2                  01:26               01:22                  01:26                  nd                     gill ventilation for both ELGE and COGL; more severe for ELGE  
CEFU19   20.0     COGL                4.1            08/13/2011  yes          1                  02:01               02:01                  nd                     ELGE                3.6            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU20   20.8     ELGE                3.2            08/13/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.9            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU21   15.5     ELGE                3.0            08/13/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                3.0            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU22   16.0     COGL                4.2            08/13/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                3.5            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU23   18.3     COGL                3.8            08/13/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                3.0            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU24   8.1      ELGE                2.4            08/15/2011  yes          1                  00:31               00:31                  nd                     COGL                2.8            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     **only CEFU thus far to eat only ELGE  
CEFU25   11.0     ELGE                2.3            08/15/2011  yes          1                  10:40               10:40                  nd                     COGL                2.5            yes          1                  10:29               10:29                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU26   17.2     COGL                4.8            08/15/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                3.5            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU27   10.1     ELGE                2.6            08/15/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.6            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU28   9.1      ELGE                2.7            08/16/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                3.2            yes          1                  05:32               05:32                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU29   9.5      ELGE                2.5            08/16/2011  no           1                  nd                  10:05                  nd                     COGL                2.6            no           1                  nd                  10:15                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CEFU30   10.3     COGL                3.6            08/17/2011  yes          2                  02:13               02:10                  02:13                  ELGE                3.1            yes          1                  02:05               02:05                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR16   15.4     COGL                2.4            08/10/2011  yes          1                  20:34               20:34                  nd                     ELGE                2.5            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR17   14.1     ELGE                2.6            08/10/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                3.1            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR18   9.7      ELGE                2.7            08/10/2011  yes          1                  09:41               09:41                  nd                     COGL                3.1            yes          2                  09:48               09:46                  09:48                  nd                     gill ventilation for both ELGE and COGL  
CECR19   10.4     COGL                3.0            08/12/2011  yes          2                  09:15               01:37                  09:15                  ELGE                2.6            yes          1                  00:09               00:09                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR20   12.7     ELGE                2.8            08/12/2011  yes          1                  09:38               09:38                  nd                     COGL                3.0            yes          1                  01:01               01:01                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR21   8.5      COGL                3.5            08/14/2011  yes          1                  10:15               10:15                  nd                     ELGE                2.7            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR22   13.5     ELGE                2.3            08/14/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.5            yes          1                  10:10               10:10                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR23   13.9     COGL                3.4            08/14/2011  yes          1                  02:22               02:22                  nd                     ELGE                2.9            no           1                  nd                  00:42                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR24   13.6     ELGE                2.8            08/14/2011  yes          2                  00:18               00:14                  00:18                  COGL                3.8            yes          1                  00:06               00:06                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR25   12.3     COGL                3.7            08/15/2011  yes          1                  07:47               07:47                  nd                     ELGE                3.0            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR26   9.2      COGL                2.3            08/15/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                2.2            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR27   9.8      COGL                3.5            08/15/2011  yes          1                  10:03               10:03                  nd                     ELGE                3.0            no           1                  nd                  10:32                  nd                     nd                     started to attack both fish only after I put the net in the tank to retrieve prey fish  
CECR28   15.5     COGL                3.5            08/15/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     ELGE                3.0            yes          1                  07:31               07:31                  nd                     nd                     **only CECR thus far to eat only ELGE  
CECR29   9.2      ELGE                2.8            08/16/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                3.5            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR30   10.1     ELGE                2.7            08/16/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                2.8            yes          1                  10:05               10:05                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR31   12.4     COGL                3.1            08/16/2011  yes          1                  00:11               00:11                  nd                     ELGE                3.0            yes          1                  00:08               00:08                  nd                     nd                     nd     
CECR32   10.3     ELGE                2.7            08/17/2011  no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     COGL                3.0            no           0                  nd                  nd                     nd                     nd                     nd